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Your channeled message

2020 08 13.jpg

After my departure from YouTube, I decided to deliver this newsletter, for those who still are in need of guidance. The message will come when spirit is guided to deliver it, surely once a month for the collective readings and during the weeks, when it knocks at our door.


This has been a difficult time for everyone. All we know is that we cannot go back to any of the old ways. Personal and collective truths have been revealed and, after destruction, it can only come the time to build.


But, wait a moment. To build? How? Like we used to? That's all we know...


We need to build with a fresh, new mindset. And sometimes, before even taking any action, it is better to receive a sign. That's called inner intuition. Only afterwards it is right to take action and proceed. Life is neither a forcing mechanism nor a game of control. Mind of the ones who teach control or push you to force action to achieve your dreams.


The only thing that matter is to be in alignment with who you are, what you love to do, with your soul project. And all the necessary actions will come organically and naturally, they won't be forced by you, anybody or anything else.


Forced action causes people to lose integrity and compromise their essence for the most part.


If you want to see a world full of integrity, honesty, and light, you need to align to this principle first and be the example for others to see. You, with your own unique way of doing things.


The ultimate goal is the same for all of us, expand, grow and evolve our reality, our existence.


This message is for you, who stay still and silent.
Maybe you don't know where to go yet...

Maybe the road looks blocked...

Maybe nothing seems to happen...

This message is calling you to ask spirit: where should I go?


Watch the sky, take a deep breath today, and simply ask:


Source, Spirit...Where do you want me to go?
and wait for a sign. Your guidance is near.


Keep in mind, You're never wrong, if you follow Love.





Feel free to visit my etsy shop if you ever feel the need of guidance



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