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This is a message from the heart of the Divine. This is neither a teaching nor a philosophy. This book doesn't aim to change your belief system or way of living. This book comes as a transformational process in which you will awake your true essence, which is of love and divinity. We are Ray, and like the rays of your sunshine, we're here as a group of angels to guide you through this awakening, and to remind you that you're never alone and never separate from Source, which is eternal. You're constantly living in a place where there is no space and no time, where infinity is the only limit you have.


This is a Twin Flame Angel Oracle book. It is a book from the heart of the divine. Almost 200 channeled messages from the angelic group Ray, to tell that You can never be separated from Love. You are Love. You can use the book for oracle readings or for daily guidance and meditation.

Each and every message will always resonate with you at the core and guide you back to your true essence, which is Love.


This is an Angel Oracle book. 200 channeled messages from the angelic group Ray. You can use the book for oracle readings or for daily guidance and meditation. Each and every message will always resonate with you at the core and guide you back to your true essence, which is Love.

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